"Sharon has given the community here a gift. It is precious. A glimpse of herself and how her cultural experience has been part of her. How sense of place and people, heart and physical being, filled with spirit and wonder---how this makes us who we are."
-Audience member, Dreaming Under a Cedar Tree
"…Sharon Mansur’s devastatingly beautiful INSERT[coda]HERE, which makes her immensity so quietly and thrillingly present
that I pledge myself always to be her champion and also to stalk her by any means available."
-Irene Hsaio, RADFest, Michigan, https://irenechsiao.wordpress.com
“…here/there...(for one) …was a fine showcase for her [Mansur’s] light, delicate dancing…”
-Sarah Halzacks, The Washington Post
"Her performance of residue carried a drama in its vulnerability..."
-Sarah Valeri, visual artist, sarahvaleri.wordpress.com
"Longtime collaborators and improvisers extraordinaire, Burkholder and Mansur are silky dancers who fill a space with movement that’s alternately athletic and subtle....”
-Amanda Abrams, Washington CityPaper, Spring Arts Guide
"...[Mansur] is small, quick and full of mischief....."
-Boris Willis, Pink Line Project/Pink Noise
“….visually creative...an evening of visual surprises and startling images...”
-Pamela Squires, The Washington Post
“...the dance that unfolds beautifully, carefully, exuberantly before us.”
–Megan Bridge, Thinkingdance.net, Falls Bridge Festival of New Movement, Improvisation & Performance, Philadelphia
“It was Mansur and Eisenbach’s Underneath that accomplished what site-specific work should: alter a space or one’s experience of that space.”
–Lisa Traiger, DanceViewTimes
semblance, photos by Boris Willis, 2009
-Audience member, Dreaming Under a Cedar Tree
"…Sharon Mansur’s devastatingly beautiful INSERT[coda]HERE, which makes her immensity so quietly and thrillingly present
that I pledge myself always to be her champion and also to stalk her by any means available."
-Irene Hsaio, RADFest, Michigan, https://irenechsiao.wordpress.com
“…here/there...(for one) …was a fine showcase for her [Mansur’s] light, delicate dancing…”
-Sarah Halzacks, The Washington Post
"Her performance of residue carried a drama in its vulnerability..."
-Sarah Valeri, visual artist, sarahvaleri.wordpress.com
"Longtime collaborators and improvisers extraordinaire, Burkholder and Mansur are silky dancers who fill a space with movement that’s alternately athletic and subtle....”
-Amanda Abrams, Washington CityPaper, Spring Arts Guide
"...[Mansur] is small, quick and full of mischief....."
-Boris Willis, Pink Line Project/Pink Noise
“….visually creative...an evening of visual surprises and startling images...”
-Pamela Squires, The Washington Post
“...the dance that unfolds beautifully, carefully, exuberantly before us.”
–Megan Bridge, Thinkingdance.net, Falls Bridge Festival of New Movement, Improvisation & Performance, Philadelphia
“It was Mansur and Eisenbach’s Underneath that accomplished what site-specific work should: alter a space or one’s experience of that space.”
–Lisa Traiger, DanceViewTimes
semblance, photos by Boris Willis, 2009